Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Tired of Trump

Trump fatigue has set in. What made the media think we all had some kind of high level of tolerance for 24/7 Trump? Possibly there's a huge demographic in this country that has a need for really edgy, really irritating, in your face entertainment, I don't know. But if you're getting tired of Trump, I suspect you're far from alone.

In Jack Vance's Sci-Fi classic The Dying Earth, there is a character named Chun the Unavoidable, who is literally inescapable - no matter how far you go, or how fast you run, or how many walls and locked steel doors and mountains of rock you put between you and Chun, he will always be there when you turn around. Donald Trump seems like another incarnation of Chun the Unavoidable.

For over a year now, if you have the radio on in the car, and the news comes on, there's Trump's voice. Open up the morning paper, and there's Trump's face. Get online to any news aggregator site, and there's Trump did this, and Trump said that. Trump, Trump, Trump: Trump all the time. If I hadn't stopped watching TV years ago, I would have lost my mind by now - it appears that many people haven't been so lucky.

Clio Chang at The New Republic says "I am tired of seeing his scrunched-up face on TV. I’m tired of hearing his voice through a microphone, amplifying his absolutely bonkers, incoherent arguments...  I am tired of Donald Trump. I hope America is, too."

Maybe if you think he's the new Messiah, this level of exposure to your hero might be comforting; for the rest of us, the net effect seems to be a growing distaste for this guy and his ideas.

Speaking of losing one's mind, there's this article at Raw Story:

"Matt Forney, a self-described alt-right radio host, suggested this week that there would be a “white baby boom” after the November election because “women are having sex dreams” about Donald Trump."

Sure, you can say "What mind to lose?", or "Alt-right = neo-nazi, so what do you expect?", but still...

All you crazy people, please go away. That goes for you too, Donald.

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