Friday, October 7, 2016

A Braggadocious First Debate

Randy Rainbow's brilliant take on the first presidential candidates' debate is totally outrageous and fun but somehow, a more fitting commentary than any of the usual talking bobble heads on TV news.

It's old news by now - more than a week since the debate(!) - but we were too busy that night to sit and watch it in real time. Thanks to the internet, we finally got around to seeing it a couple days ago.

Gripping TV, eh? A knock-down, drag out battle of wits between an antsy, hopped-up on something former reality show star armed with an oversized, almost impervious ego suit, and a calm and cool, pragmatic politician with killer instincts, who showed up with a whole basketful of sharp knives. Who won? I wouldn't have bet on the orange bear.

By the way, "Braggadocious" might just be a "real word", since spell check sometimes lets it go without comment.

Here's something more recent, Alec Baldwin and Kate McKinnon in last week's Saturday Night Live cold open:

SNL has usually had a tradition of even handed savaging of both presidential candidates, and this is no exception, although if you're a thin skinned fan boy (or girl) of either nominee, you may not get it. The only departure from that was Norm Macdonald's 1996 Bob Dole take-down, which was pretty brutal; maybe Bob had pissed Lorne Michaels off or something, who knows.

What's amazing here, and it's a tribute to not only Alec Baldwin's and Kate McKinnon's dead-on comedic timing (and Michael Che's well modulated Lester Holt), but also the show's writers, that this skit went beyond parody and impersonation, past merely magnifying character traits for comic effect. They essentially distilled Clinton's and Trump's very public personas down into one, easily swallowed nine minute comedy pill, that basically told you everything you needed to know about the two people in competition to be our next President. If you really wanted to know, that is.

Anyway, really Bravo, well done.

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