Tuesday, October 4, 2016

A Note About The Blog

trump, water bottle, clinton, what?, you crazy?

This was originally posted at Origami Night Lamp:

Just thought I would pen a fairly short, non-essay length note to all of the regular readers of Origami Night Lamp. Whatever the term "regular" means in this context; if this blog was a bar, I wouldn't have enough "regulars" to be able to keep up with the lease payments, and after closing down shop, I'd be forced to drink all the booze in order to declare a loss on my income tax.

As you may have noticed, I've been neglecting the blog a lot lately. It was summer, we went on some trips and had some fun, started another band from the ashes of the old, and, like most suburban parents, ferried a ton of kids around and fed hordes of hungry teenagers with bottomless stomachs. I also caught up with some needful car mechanic-ing and yard stuff, built another strange looking bike, finished an organ tube amp conversion project, and came down with a deadly tropical disease while being held as a political prisoner in a banana republic somewhere near the equator. Such things happen sometimes. Note to self: stop catching low-cost flights to South America on rickety old Douglas DC-3s.

Now, it's time to get back to the blog again. While I was busy having fun over the summer, something else was happening: probably the weirdest and most off-balance presidential election season in like, forever. Like many others, I've tried to ignore it for the most part, but that's been hard to do, even for someone who never watches TV, at all. Except for British murder mysteries and Doctor Who.

Lately, I've been playing catch up, and reading up on exactly what's going on, and no, not on whacked out, unhinged conspiracy laden radical right wing blogs, or Fox News either. Just the facts, which are often hard to dig down to, underneath all the layers of hysteria, hand wringing, and deliberate misinformation. After some consideration, I've come to the same conclusion that world renown author, conservative journalist, gay activist, and blogger Andrew Sullivan has also come to: that one of the people shown at the top of this post represents "An extinction level event... for democracy and constitutional order". And here's a clue: it's not the lady in the white suit.

Oh sure, it's great spectacle, and it's all fun and games until the unimaginable happens. We may suddenly find ourselves governed by an even worse set of bumbling bozos than those who brought us the Iraq War. They'll be dragging along with them the very dregs of our society: proto-fascists, white supremacist scum, and billionaires in debt to the Russian mafia/oligarchs and looking to raid the national treasury. You think it can't happen here? Think again.

So, I'll be doing a lot more blogging in the next few weeks; some posts will as usual be about guitars and amps and cute garden bugs and birds. Even more will focus on things that are of some consequence to our country, and I've already started on that, in an essay from a few days ago. Hopefully, you'll find it of some interest. However, if you, Dear Reader, are upset by anything I may, or will have written, well - don't go looking for an apology. If you're getting all huffy and snooty, chances are you're probably one of those racist jerks I've been putting up with all of my life, and I'm getting kind of tired of it. I think a whole lot of us are.

Hey, you know what they say, "If the truth hurts, wear it".

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